Name: Oaklands Surgery Patient Participation Group
Aim: To promote liaison between the Practice and patients to the benefit of both.
Membership:Membership will be open and free to all registered patients and staff of the Practice. Maximum membership excluding Oaklands staff 12.
Activities of the group:
The group will meet at least 3-4 times a year.
The chair will be elected annually by members of the group and in the chair’s absence a floating chair will be voted in.
Whenever possible a GP partner to attend meeting, minimum once per year.
The practice will ask the group for feedback on service development and provision.
When the practice leaflet is due for updating, the content will be reviewed with the patient group.
No political views to be raised at the meeting.
Administrative assistance for the arranging of meetings and production of minutes will be provided by the practice.
Notices of meetings, minutes of meetings and information on the group’s activities will be displayed in the surgery waiting room and on the practice website.
Agreed at a meeting of the Oaklands Surgery Patient Participation Group held on 14th September 2017